Phone: 443.745.5796
Email: [email protected]
Greg began his career in trade credit insurance in 2006 as a Business Development Specialist for Euler Hermes. In 2008 he moved to a sales position with Euler Hermes Collections. There he gained experience in selling to medium to large sized businesses. Greg took his first role as a licensed agent in 2013 with Coface where he cut his teeth selling credit insurance. He went back to Euler in 2015 as a New Business Broker Manager. In this position Greg was tasked with helping their broker partners generate new leads and drive new business their way. He then became a Euler Agent in the Mid-Atlantic region in 2016.
While his roles have evolved over the years, business development within the industry has remained Greg’s focus. He is excited at the opportunity to offer the entire market to his clients and network so that the best possible option can be offered to fit the situation at hand.
Greg is a graduate of Lycoming College with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management.